State Bank of Bottineau

Leprechaun Hat and Coins

St. Patty's Contest

To enter, visit 7 or more of the businesses below between March 3rd and 14th.  These businesses will give you a punch card to use to enter in a drawing for Botno Bucks. Drop off signed punch cards at the State Bank of Bottineau by March 14th. 
Participating Businesses:
Onarheim's Dario - Gustafson Oil of Bottineau - M&J's Highway Service - Cowboys Bar and Casino - Marie's 19th Hole - Botsy's Boutique - Stadium II Sports Bar - Pride Dairy -
Creekside Bar N Grill.
welcome to

State Bank of Bottineau

We pride ourselves on our local ownership and local decisions.  We are your friendly community bank striving to offer our customers convenient personalized banking.  We look forward to serving the needs of the community.

Wall art of boat on lake pulling skier.
your hometown bank

Local ownership means decisions made locally.

Serving the Bottineau community since 1901.

Cabin construction project.

New home or home away from home...

We promise to help you find the financing solution that is best for you, whether you’re looking for a new home, cabin, vehicle or funding for other personal expenses.

Combine in the field during harvest.

Dream big for your business.

We’ll handle the rest. With a strong understanding of your business, your Commercial/Ag lender will help you make the best financing decision for your business.

Coins and plants in jars.

Savings accounts starting at $50 or $15,000.

Whether you are just starting out or saving for something specific, we’re here to help! See which account will suit you best!

Save paper and time with Electronic Statements.  Stop waiting on the mail to view your statement. 

Click for more info

Use our calculators to help you plan for your next purchase or investment.  

Click for calculators

Visit the link below to report identity theft and get a recovery plan. 

Visit (Opens in a new Window)